UPAAS Scholar Ryan Dave F. Fabreag Graduates Cum Laude

Ryan Dave F. Fabraeg graduated with a degree of Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, Cum Laude at the Univerity of the Philippines Los Banos. He will be joining the graduates of 2022 at the 50th commencement exercises of UP Cebu on 6 August 2022.
He was the Vice Chief Archon of The Philosophical Society of UPLB, a Member of The International Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, and a constant College Scholar and University Scholar.
Here is what he plans to do after graduation:
“Initially, I planned to pursue law school. However, I realized that I should have at least a year of experience working in a field I am interested in. Moreover, I believe that law school can wait, and I have the luxury of time to continue this career in the future. I am inclined to enter the academe and teach as an Instructor of Philosophy.”
Ryan would like to extend his heartfelt gratitude to the UPAAS community. He considers UPAAS as one of the greatest blessings he received in his college life. He can’t imagine surviving four years without UPAAS’s help. He wishes UPAAS nothing but continued success. He also hopes that he would be able to give back to the organization by sponsoring scholars as well.
Padayon, Ryan!